Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Kants Categorical Imperative Essay Example for Free

Kants Categorical Imperative Essay Kantian ethics is a deontological, absolute theory proposed by Immanuel Kant in the late 1700’s. Kant taught that an action could only count as the action of a good will if it satisfied the test of the Categorical Imperative. The categorical imperative is based around the idea to act solely for the sake of duty. For example, you should share your sweets because it is a good thing to do; not because it makes you feel good. Consequentially, Kant would justify the good feeling you do when you perform a good act as a bonus not a reward. This opposes the hypothetical imperative which is where you act simply so you receive a of reward of some sort. The categorical imperative is based upon universable rules; maxims. These maxims are absolute moral statements that Kant says should be used everywhere by everyone and should thus never be broken. For example, do not kill. Additionally, the categorical imperative does not take individual situations into account. This means it is applicable to all situations and very straight forward to follow considering that everyone allegedly has the innate knowledge to follow these rules; for example do not steal. However, since it is absolute it means you must ignore any emotional influences on your decisions. Kant’s morals truths are revolved around following reason, not feelings. For example, if you have to choose between saving your grandfather or an unknown baby; the baby should be saved considering it has longer to live and more potential. You must ignore any temptation to save your relative due to your emotional attachment because you know reason does not justify that decision. Unlike the hypothetical imperative, the categorical imperative uses ends not means so is non-consequentialist. Therefore, it is wrong to use someone or something to achieve a certain outcome. For example, to be kind to my mum simply so she gives me money to go shopping. Kant would object to this instance in that you should be kind to your mother since it is your duty to respect your parents and be a kind person. Kant believed in a kingdom of ends. This idea is if everyone followed universalisation we would all be treated with equal respect. Furthermore, the Kantian theory is based upon the concept that good will joined with duty accounts an action as good. â€Å"It is impossible to conceive anything at all in the world which can be taken as good without qualification except a good will†. Thus good will, to â€Å"act for the sake of duty†, should a priority in your actions in order to fulfil your purpose not for external motives. This duty is innate within every person as a priori so an individual’s experiences, or lack of, cannot justify an action which does not follow good will. Kant believed numerous qualities for example, courage, intelligence, ambition and honour all to make a situation morally poorer. Kant also introduces the idea of the Summun Bonum. This is derived from Kant’s postulates of practical reason; aspects that are necessary within his theory for it to work. Firstly we must have freedom in order to use the innate knowledge we attain to follow duty and good will to achieve good. The Summun Bonum is the ultimate goal for everyone to aim to achieve in order to accomplish the ultimate reward. This reward points towards the existence of a God since one can only attain Summun Bonum in the afterlife; it is not achievable on earth. This means someone must be in the afterlife to give reward you what you deserve. Furthermore, this makes sense of the inequality in life. For example, paedophiles living happier lives than charity workers. Kant would say your good will must be repaid in the afterlife. b) â€Å"Kant’s ethical theory has no serious weaknesses† (Jan 09) Kan? an moral ethics is an absolute, non-consequen? alist, deontological theory proposed by Immanuel Kant. It is divided into two categories; hypothe? cal impera? ve and categorical impera? ve. The hypothe? cal impera? ve is when an act depends upon something else whereas the categorical impera? ve is an independent ac? on. A main weakness to Kant’s ethical theory is the fact that it is revolved around ful#lling your supposed duty. But who decides your duty? And what if you have two conic? ng du? es, for example you to #ght for your country but also to support your family; which do you priori? se? There are no guidelines as to which to priori? se. Furthermore, there are no guidelines how to face not priori? sing your emo? onal a)achment. By not having any considera? on for your feelings, this theory has a massive weakness since you have to be very strong willed to convince yourself Kant is correct. Especially if you were ever actually put that posi? on it seems unrealis? c anyone would chose to apply these rules, for example to save a stranger over their family. However, people may object saying a key strength to Kant’s theory is that it is a simple, absolute theory that by being applicable to all sta? ons is allowing for all people from all backgrounds and circumstances to understand as long as they have ra? onal thinking; according to Kant all human beings have. â€Å"Everyone who is ideally rational will legislate the same universal principles† Pojman (2002:147). Another unavoidable weakness to Kan?an moral ethics is that his universable laws are not applicable to all situa? ons. For example, do not lie. Should we follow that and make someone unnecessarily distressed? Kan? an ethics is not a consequen? alist theory however humans ae naturally compassionate and sensi? ve for a reason. Furthermore, from this we can deduct that your reason might not be the best thing to do. It is not guaranteed since it does not take consequences into considera? on. There are some situa? ons which require consequences to be considered since the outcome is so severe it seems kinder just to break a rule. However in response to this some people may say a prime strength of Kant’s theory is that Kant has a great respect for human beings autonomy. Therefore, a lot of dignity is carried with his theory that we have the ability to use our own ra? onal. In conclusion, Kan? an ethics de#nitely has some serious weaknesses due to the unrealis? c priori? sing of those you don’t have emo? onal connec? ons to, the fact it is not clearly applicable to every situa? on and addi? onally that it is based upon following your ‘duty’ of which is a weak concept itself for reasons explained.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Comparing the French Lieutenants Woman and Jewel in the Crown Essay

Similarities between French Lieutenant's Woman and Jewel in the Crown      Ã‚  Ã‚   John Fowles's French Lieutenant's Woman and Paul Scott's Jewel in the Crown are two literary works that illustrate continuity in British literature over time.   While French Lieutenant's Woman [is set in]...the Victorian era and Jewel in the Crown [depicts events in]... the twentieth century . . ., the two exhibit similar thematic content.   Both works emphasize the importance of social stature, both portray society's view of what's acceptable in the intimate relationships of women, and both are stories in which two lovers are together regardless of whether or not society approves.    The portrayal of social statures in French Lieutenant's Woman is rather simple.   Other than Sarah Woodruff, the characters are of the wealthy upper class.   Sarah is described as a "poor but educated woman who has lost her reputation."   Other characters include Charles Smithson, a wealthy gentleman who becomes Sarah's lover; Ernistina Freeman, Charles' fiance and daughter of a wealthy businessman; Mr. Freeman, Ernestina's father, a successful businessman who aspires to the upper class by marrying his daughter into [a higher class]...; and Ms. Poultney, a wealthy widow who takes in Sarah Woodruff to belittle and humiliate.    Social statures portrayed in Jewel in the Crown are more complicated; race also plays into the social status of its characters.   The main character of the story is Daphne Manners, who starts off as upper class but is later demoted to "that Manners girl" due to an inter-racial relationship with Hari Kumar.   Hari is born in India, but grew up well to do in England.   Upon his return to India he has lost his social status.   he aspires to the ... ...disapprove and criticize her.   It was a sad reality that white hostility for mixed relationships could devalue the life of an innocent child.    Jewel in the Crown and French Lieutenant's Woman illustrate in full, continuity in British literature.   While French Lieutenant's Woman represents the 1860s and Jewel in the Crown represents the 1940s, the two literary works remain very similar in plot and theme.   They also illustrate that the values of the British in regards to intimate relationships and social boundaries remained unchanged for over eighty years.    Works Cited    Damrosch, David, et al., ed.   The Longman Anthology of British Literature.   Vol. B. Compact ed.   New York:   Longman - Addison Wesley Longman, 2000. Scott, Paul.   The Jewel in the Crown.   (1966.)   Vol. 1 of the Raj Quartet.   Rpt. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1998.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Difference Between Black and White

Audrey Edwards propagates her belief that blacks must only marry blacks for the simple reason that whites continue to feel superior to blacks because the latter were their slaves at one time. Apparently, the difference between the whites and the blacks of the United States is deep-rooted – going back to early America where Europeans had brought African slaves. Although slavery was abolished in the centuries to come, the huge socioeconomic difference between the white masters and their black slaves was to remain at the level of the subconscious mind of America.From the subconscious mind to the culture of America – it was effortless for the â€Å"difference† between black and whites to make a transition. In a newspaper report published in the year 1957, the Governor of Arkansas maintained that peace was not possible without racial segregation, that is, without strict adherance to the concept of white privilege, which is defined as â€Å"a special advantage or bene fit of white persons; with reference to divine dispensations, natural advantages, gifts of fortune, genetic endowments, social relations, etc.  (Clark)†Integration was virtually impossible, in other words, and racial tension was expected to rise as a result of the discussions about letting the African Americans and the whites study together in an academic institution (â€Å"Act To Block Integration in Arkansas†). After all, the concept of white privilege entailed that the whites were socially and intellectually superior to the blacks, and therefore could not study with those that were inferior to them. In a racial riot like the one that was expected back in 1957, the African Americans were expected to fight for their self-esteem.The white Americans, on the contrary, were expected to protect their notion of superiority by fighting back. It appears to be a fact that the â€Å"difference† was mainly maintained by the whites as opposed to the blacks. The blacks wer e fighting for equal rights during the Civil Rights Movement of America. In response to the racial abuses they had suffered at the hands of the whites who had considered themselves superior to their slaves of the past; the blacks had to be compensated by means of affirmative action.Affirmative action is defined as a â€Å"policy that gives a preference to individuals based upon their belonging to designated groups who are underrepresented not only in the most desirable occupational classes, but also in school admissions and government contracts. † Those who are underrepresented thus can be referred to as disadvantaged groups, seeing as they do not have a powerful representative voice to speak for their rights.The policy of affirmative action serves as a blessing for the disadvantaged groups for this reason, by not only adding extra points to the credit of the members of disadvantaged groups when performance evaluation is called for, but also by allocating extra funds to recru it such members of the community. Whereas the opponents of affirmative action claim that it is injustice to favor a group just because it is considered â€Å"disadvantaged,† proponents of the policy assert that affirmative action is necessary to right the wrongs of the past with respect to discrimination and/or racism (Boylan).In other words, in the absence of affirmative action, discrimination and/or racism may very well continue in almost any if not all spheres of life. The â€Å"difference† between whites and blacks has definitely seeped into the culture of America from its subconscious mind where the history of the nation is stored. If the whites of America had not used the services of black slaves in the past, there would have been no question of white privilege, and America would not have found it useful to combat racism with affirmative action.In actuality, white privilege translates into obvious racism, which is a belief system claiming that individuals can be superior to others solely on the basis of race. The theory of racism has led to much violence and genocide in the world. It was racism that led the Nazis to slaughter the Jews simply by believing that the latter were inferior. The theory of racism seems to have been applied everywhere in the world, even though universal values inform us that people who are superior are only those who do good in this world.Would universal values, therefore, be able to end the â€Å"difference†? The answer appears to be Yes. Even so, the collective memory of America will not be eradicated, and nobody can force the whites, in particular, to forget that the blacks were their slaves in the past. The â€Å"difference† is expected to be maintained at some level. Finally, it is worthy of note that without the great socioeconomic divide between the blacks and the whites in America’s early memories, there would have been no conflict whatsoever.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Revolution And The Reformation - 1432 Words

During the 16th and 18th century such as,the town of Boston being founded in 1632. Later, Roger Williams arrives in what today is Rhode Island, where he is to establish a settlement with twelve loving friends and neighbors† in 1636. All these events added to the idea that the explorers were more important than the scientific revolution and the reformation. Thus, the most important period for me was the explorers because without them we would not have some of the things we have today because they found the New World we use today and without them we would not have had the triangle trade. Supporters of the Explorers believe that without them we would not have the New World. Even if he wasn t the first his goal was to find a route to China going West. In his text/lecture â€Å"Ferdinand Magellan (Portuguese Explorer)†,Francisco Contente Domingues a argues that â€Å"On October 12, 1520, he rounded the Cape of the Virgins (Cabo Và ­rgenes, Argentina) and at approximately 52`50`S entered the passage that proved to be the strait of his seeking, later to bear his name† (Encyclopedia Britannica). Based upon research, it is clear that Ferdinand Magellan is important because he found a different way to go around the world and opened it up for more explorers to come and discover more of the land. He went towards the west because he needed to avoid the Portuguese and because the Pope told him to because of the Treaty of Tordesillas .This research supports the idea that without them we would notShow MoreRelatedThe Scientific Revolution And The Reformation1435 Wo rds   |  6 Pagesarrives in what today is Rhode Island, where he is to establish a settlement with twelve loving friends and neighbors† in 1636.† ( Timeline). 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